Fantasy has a fascinating array of alternative words for wand. Interestingly, many of the words are used in different way to their dictionary definitions and I've found it hard to find much information. So I put together my own list of definitions I've learned from years of reading fantasy and mythology. There aren't as many … Continue reading Alternative Words for Wand
Tag: mythology
10 Greek Mythology Gifts for Geeks
I'd like to say I'm an expert on Greek mythology gifts. After all, I basically just have to write down my own list to Santa and we're there! Mythology is one of my real passions in life. Greek mythology is a personal favourite, ever since I picked up my first storybook. Disney's Hercules fanned those … Continue reading 10 Greek Mythology Gifts for Geeks
Myths: 5 Tips To Write better Mythology
Myths are one of the most important parts of worldbuilding. Cultures use myths to explain the causes of natural phenomena, ascribe the meaning of words, or just to entertain. I almost always start writing myths early in my worldbuilding, because I find them the perfect way to explore what my cultures think about. A creation … Continue reading Myths: 5 Tips To Write better Mythology